Insulation Group Products

Thermal Paint Ceramic microspheres, which we use as reflective material in our Thermal Paints, provide heat sealing, high adhesion, heat resistance and flexibility to the paint. Sealing Paint It is a corrosion inhibitor and industrial paint with the ability to prevent chemicals from mixing with water. Heat Reflective Paint  

Construction Industry Group Products

Epoxy Floor Coating It is a durable and hygienic floor covering for industrial floors. It creates a surface that is resistant to friction and abrasion on the floor where it is applied. Polyurethane Floor Covering It is a high strength floor covering with superior chemical resistance, resistant to impact and pressure, light and adverse weather […]

Fire Retardant Paint

ASPAR-FIRETEK PASSIVE FIRE RETARDANT PAINT SYSTEM Son Kat Boya Yangın geciktirici boya üzerine uygulanan tek komponentli silikon alkid esaslı son kat boyadır. Çeşitli renklerde üretilebilir. Pasifik Yangın Geciktirici Boya FP-12; binaların iç cephesinde çelik taşıyıcı üzerinde uygulanmak için tasarlanmış, dekoratif ve ince görünümlü yangın geciktirici bir kaplamadır. Astar Boya Çift komponentli, çinko fosfat içerikli, polyamid […]